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Cantate’s 2024 Holiday Campaign
The season of celebration is here, and Cantate has much to celebrate! With three blockbuster concerts already under our belt, our 40th anniversary has begun with a bang and continues at a steady crescendo into a very exciting 2025. Please consider supporting Cantate this anniversary season with a gift of any size towards unique choral experiences that unite and inspire. Every donation makes a difference and brings us closer to our $40,000 goal: $50 supports instrumental sheet music parts for one concert; $100 covers dues for a choir member in need; $175 provides a venue for one rehearsal; $500 provides a voice-building workshop for our singers or helps to sponsor a soloist for a concert; $1000 underwrites a LEV fellow for one concert cycle, $2,500 provides a performance venue; and $5,000 underwrites a season concert of special meaning to you. Your gifts, more than ticket sales, grant funding, or any other source of income, are what make our work possible.
Read Vicki’s complete Holiday Address HERE.
Cantate’s supporters are vital to building community through choral music.
Thank you for making our community possible.
Ways You Can Support Cantate
Because only a small portion of our overall revenue comes from ticket sales, Cantate’s organizational success is only possible thanks to generous donations of time, talent and resources by our singers and patrons, donors and institutional supporters. Cantate welcomes gifts of any size at any time to enable our meaningful programming and ambitious mission. Donations can be made in support of the organization in general or designated to further a specific program or concert. Please contact Executive Director Cara Schaefer at to discuss underwriting a concert of particular meaning to you.
One-Time and Recurring Gifts
One time and recurring gifts may also be made by credit card on our online donations portal:
Gifts may be made by check payable to “Cantate” and delivered by hand to a staff member or mailed to
P.O. box 11433
Takoma Park, MD 20913
Donor Advised Funds
Make Cantate your charity of choice through a donor-advised fund. Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) are an excellent way to simplify your charitable giving and direct your support to Cantae. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable tax-exempt nonprofit, and our Federal Tax ID number is 52-1447309. Please contact your financial advisor to initiate a gift, or you can also consider naming “Cantate” as a remainder beneficiary of your donor-advised fund.
Gifts of stock
Gifts of securities can be made directly from your broker to Cantate’s brokerage account. To make a gift of stock, please contact your broker and provide the account information provided below. We encourage you to speak with your financial advisor about how to manage your stock gifts.
Stock Transfer Information:
- Federal Tax ID Number: 52-1447309
- DTC: 0141
- Incoming brokerage: Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
One North Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103 - Brokerage Account Number: 5059-5868
- Memo: [Please indicate your full name in the Memo field of your stock transfer form for Cantate to properly acknowledge your gift.]
If you’re sending stock, please let us know! Contact our Executive Director Cara Schaefer at with your broker’s name and phone number and the name and number of shares you are donating.
The tax advantage of a stock gift is that, under current tax laws, the full fair market value of stock and bonds may be deducted. The value of your gift is the value upon transfer to Cantate’s brokerage account.
IRA Charitable Rollover (QCD)
Individuals may begin taking distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) as early as age 59½ but are required to begin taking them at age 72 (73 if you reach age 72 after Dec. 31, 2022). Normally, these distributions are subject to income taxes, but an IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals age 70½ and older to donate up to $100,000 to Cantate and other charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income. To qualify, contributions must go directly to a public charity. Please contact your financial advisor to initiate a gift, and we recommend that you contact your tax advisor, as we cannot provide individual tax recommendations.
Thank You to Our Supporters
Cantate, a nonprofit corporation under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, the Maryland State Arts Council, and The Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts. Cantate also thanks all its tireless volunteers, singers, board members, publicity and outreach team, and concert box office and ushers.
We are grateful to all the individuals and institutions that have sustained Cantate for more than 35 years – and those who do so in the future!
For more information on how you can support Cantate, please contact Cara Schaefer, Executive Director, at