Support Us

Happy 40th Anniversary, Cantate!

Join in the celebration of our achievements and in the creation of an even more meaningful future by helping us to raise $40,000 this June in honor of our 40th year. Cantate gratefully acknowledges the gifts of board members and core supporters that have already brought us halfway to this goal. Your additional donation of any size makes a real difference by bringing us closer to the matching $20,000: $50 provides instrumental sheet music parts for a concert; $100 covers dues for a choir member in need; $175 provides venue rental for one rehearsal; $500 provides a clinician for a LEV masterclass; $700 sponsors a soloist for a concert; $1000 sponsors a LEV fellow for a semester; $2,500 provides a performance venue; and finally, $5,000 underwrites a season concert of special meaning to you. All gifts establish Cantate as a resource for the whole community to be transported, challenged, and transformed through artistic excellence, bold innovation, and embracing welcome.

“These works might not exist without us. What a loss it would be if we stopped assisting in the creation of new works of art … It’s scary, it’s unpredictable, but it is our responsibility, and it is the legacy we leave for future audiences and musicians.”

Gisèle Becker interview, Fanfare, January 2013

Cantate strives to bring neglected masterworks to light; present choral classics to a modern audience with a fresh, historically informed twist; nurture young composing talent; and extend the choral repertoire with significant new works for chorus. Your support is critical to Cantate’s mission of making the greatest choral music accessible.

Ways You Can Support Cantate

Because only a small portion of our overall revenue comes from ticket sales, Cantate’s organizational success is only possible thanks to generous donations of time, talent and resources by our singers and patrons, donors and institutional supporters. Here are ways you can help:

  • Donate now by mail or online. Consider making a monthly, recurring gift to guarantee that Cantate can rely on sustainable funding throughout the season. Even $10 a month makes a genuine difference!
  • Ask your employer to match your gift to maximize your contribution to Cantate.
  • If you shop on Amazon, designate Cantate as your Amazon Smile recipient.
  • Take Cantate home with you: Purchase our CDs!
  • Subscribe to our mailing list and receive email alerts.
  • Like us on Facebook and share your favorite moments from concerts
  • Volunteer! Consider lending your gifts to Cantate.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Cantate, a nonprofit corporation under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, the Maryland State Arts Council, and The Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts. Cantate also thanks all its tireless volunteers, singers, board members, publicity and outreach team, and concert box office and ushers.

We are grateful to all the individuals and institutions that have sustained Cantate for more than 35 years – and those who do so in the future!

For more information on how you can support Cantate, please contact Cara Schaefer, Executive Director, at