Cantate’s 40th Anniversary

Cantate’s 40th Anniversary Ruby Jubilee!

Wednesday, April 30, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.

Pinstripes, North Bethesda
11920 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852

Join Cantate supporters, singers, and staff to celebrate 40 wonderful years of building community through choral music! Enjoy a fun and festive evening with friends in a modern indoor/outdoor ballroom setting complete with bocce courts. Come for the cocktails, dinner, and live music, and stay for the special guests, door prizes, and live auction of luxury items and experiences. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Dress Creative Cocktail
We encourage you to wear your finest ruby outfit.

Have a luxe item or experience to donate to our live auction? A week at your family’s beach house? An intimate in-home cooking class with a pro chef? Let us know about it on our AUCTION ITEM DONATION FORM.

Join our Forty for Forty Campaign to Celebrate our Anniversary!

Support a Spectacular Season!

Every anniversary is a time for grateful reflection on a past full of challenges and successes, for celebration of a triumphant present, and for visioning and planning for a future that builds on these to realize something even greater. Whether you have been a supporter since 1984 or 2024, your attendance, your voice, your volunteerism, and your donations big and small are at the root of Cantate’s success and are vital to furthering our mission to build community through choral music. Thank you!

We invite you to join in the celebration of our achievements and in the creation of an even more meaningful future by helping us to raise $40,000 in honor of our 40th year. we gratefully acknowledge the gifts of board members and core supporters that have already supported this campaign. Your donation of any size makes a real difference: $50 provides instrumental sheet music parts for a concert; $100 covers dues for a choir member in need; $175 provides venue rental for one rehearsal; $500 provides a clinician for a LEV masterclass; $700 sponsors a soloist for a concert; $1000 sponsors a LEV fellow for a semester; $2,500 provides a performance venue; and finally, $5,000 underwrites a season concert of special meaning to you. All gifts establish Cantate as a resource for the whole community to be transported, challenged, and transformed through artistic excellence, bold innovation, and embracing welcome.

Thank you for your part in bringing Cantate this far, for being an integral member of our family today, and for joining us as we forge a path into a bright future where choral music – and Cantate – are at the center of community.

Cantate Unveils a New Logo in Celebration of its 40th Birthday!

Cantate’s new logo honors 39 years of excellence in the choral field by preserving the graceful “C” that has so long been a symbol of our musical achievements, programming prowess, and welcoming community. Balanced and bold, the new logo symbolizes a timeless sensibility with a modern twist, and a fearless approach to a future in which Cantate is a leader and a resource not only to our musical peers, but also to the community at large. For this year only, the beautiful red represents the celebration of our Ruby Jubilee, nodding to the traditional gift for a 40th anniversary. Keep your eyes peeled as the new logo pops up on the website, social media, emails, and even in your music folder or on your water bottle… (Purchase Cantate Merchandise HERE to benefit our community-building initiatives.)

Photo by Ruth Faison

A Big THANK YOU to all who joined our Ruby Anniversary Picnic!

Nearly 100 Cantate community members RSVPed to join us for the Ruby Anniversary Launch Picnic this June 9th, and we couldn’t have been happier to celebrate this milestone with better friends or with more beautiful weather. We extend a special thanks to the extraordinary volunteers who put together such a wonderful event, decorated the pavilion, grilled the burgers, honored still more volunteers, and cleaned up when the fun was over. This joyful moment marks the beginning of a full year of celebration, and we hope you’ll join us as we explore Cantate’s history, uplift its recent accomplishments, and chart a bold future of building community through choral music.

Photos below are by choir member and photographer Ruth Faison: